Need help with wide screen 16:9 conversions

Forum Discussion for VIDEOzilla

Need help with wide screen 16:9 conversions

Postby videocp » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:56 am

I am using the following command lines and not getting the 16:9 results. The original avi is 16:9 (720x480, 1.2pix ratio), can the work?

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VIDEOzilla\Convert.exe" /mp4 /idir U:\Business Process\montagemob /odir U:\Business Process\montagemob\web /mp4vt 12 /outputwidth 512 /outputheight 240
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VIDEOzilla\Convert.exe" /WMV /idir U:\Business Process\montagemob /odir U:\Business Process\montagemob\web /outputwidth 512 /outputheight 240
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VIDEOzilla\Convert.exe" /flash /idir U:\Business Process\montagemob /odir U:\Business Process\montagemob\web /outputwidth 512 /outputheight 240

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